Day 33: Took a Soldier and His Family to a Game
As you have probably noticed, I am a huge fan of supporting the men and women of our armed forces. They give up so much to protect our freedoms and don't ever ask for anything in return. So as this mission of kindness continues, you will see numerous acts done for soldiers both home and abroad. Anything in my power that I can do to show my gratitude towards a soldier will be done. Even if it is something as simple as saying a quick "Thank you", I encourage you to express your appreciation to them in some way.
Today's random act of kindness is one of my attempts to thank a soldier for all that he has done. Along with my wife, I am going to be taking Army Staff Sgt. John La Giglia and his family to a Northwestern basketball game. Staff Sgt. La Giglia recently returned home to Chicago from his second tour in the Middle East and has been serving in the military since 2000. I can barely stay away from my wife and daughter for a few days, so I can't even imagine what he and his family have endured being away from each another for so long. Although I will surely say it later this evening, I want to use this forum to say thank you to Staff Sgt. La Giglia (and all of the men and women of our armed forces). Thank you for making our world a safer place. Thank you for sacrificing so much for your family, for your friends, and even for strangers. Thank you for being someone that my daughter can look up to as a role model as she grows older. Tonight should be a blast!
UPDATE: Tonight was, in fact, a blast. John and his family couldn't have been nicer, and I am so happy that they were able to go. Northwestern surprised everyone by making John and his family honorary captains for the game. They brought them down for a ceremony at midcourt and presented John with a jersey with his name on it. Overall, it was a tremendous night.