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Philosophy of History
Philosophy of History
All terrible evils
has Romania suffered from the Arabs even until now.
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
(d.959 AD) quoting the Chronicle of Theophanes (c.815 AD), De
Administrando Imperio, p.94 [Dumbarton Oaks Texts, Greek text edited by Gy.
Moravcsik, 1967, 2008]
Hence arises
the fact that everything better struggles through only with difficulty; what is
noble and wise very rarely makes its appearance, becomes effective, or meets
with a hearing, but the absurd and perverse in the realm of thought, the dull
and tasteless in the sphere of art, and the wicked and fraudulent in the sphere
of action, really assert a supremacy that is disturbed only by brief
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and
Representation, Volume I, §59, p.324 [Dover Publications, 1966, E.F.J. Payne
The only thing new in the world is the history you
don't know yet.
Harry S Truman
...and thus we can understand how the work of War,
although so plain and simple in its effects, can never be conducted with
distinguished success by people without distinguished powers of the
Carl von Clausewitz, On War [Penguin Classics, 1968, 1982, p.
The stream of Time, irresistible, ever moving, carries
off and bears away all things that come to birth and plunges them into utter
darkness, both deeds of no account and deeds which are mighty and worthy of
commemoration; as the playwright [Sophocles] says, it "brings to light that
which was unseen and shrouds from us that which was manifest." Nevertheless, the
science of History is a great bulwark against the stream of Time; in a way it
checks this irresistible flood, it holds in a tight grasp whatever it can seize
floating on the surface and will not allow it to slip away into the depths of
Anna Comnena (1083-1153), The
Alexiad, translated by E.R.A. Sewter [Penguin Classics, 1969, p.17].
Contemporary image of the Empress Maria, the
"History Instructing Youth,"United States $1 Silver Certificate,
"Educational Series," 1896
- American Sphinx, The Character of Thomas
Jefferson, Joseph J. Ellis, Alfred A. Knopf, 1997 [18.8K]
- Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men, A History of
the American Civil War, Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, Open Court, 1996 [27.2K]
- Nietzsche and the Nazis, A Personal View by Stephen
Hicks, Ph.D., DVD, Ockham's Razor Publishing, 2006 [21.5K]
Should a
traveller, returning from a far country,
bring us an account of men, wholly different from any with whom we were ever
acquainted; men, who were entirely divested of avarice, ambition, or revenge;
who knew no pleasure but friendship, generosity, and public spirit; we should
immediately, from these circumstances, detect the falsehood, and prove him a
liar, with the same certainty as if he had stuffed his narration with stories of
centaurs and dragons, miracles and prodigies. And if we would explode any
forgery in history, we cannot make use of a more convincing argument, than to
prove, that the actions ascribed to any person are directly contrary to the
course of nature, and that no human motives, in such circumstances, could ever
induce him to such a conduct.
David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding, Sect. VIII, Part I, p. 65 [Oxford at the Clarendon Press,
1972, L.A. Selby-Bigge edition, p. 84]
Reference Resources
Most of the following reference items are perhaps
not, strictly speaking, philosophy of history. The editorial intention
originally was to provide some material of more general interest than the purely
philosophical content of The Proceedings of the Friesian School
to attract attention to the
website. However, history provides countless examples for the application of
ideas from both ethics and political
economy. If philosophy is to be historically practical in the Socratic or
Platonic sense, then it helps to know history. Political commitment is also an
important characrteristic of the Friesian School.
Therefore, there has been increasing use of the historical files for these
purposes. Not all of history may be covered here, but a very extensive fragment
of it certainly is.
- The Earliest Civilizations [81.4K]
- Index of Egyptian History [49.6K]
- Index of Mesopotamian and Ancient
Middle Eastern History
- Kings of Sumer and Akkad
- The Archaic or Early Dynastic Period of
- The Old Kingdom of Egypt
- The First Intermediate Period of Egypt
- The Middle Kingdom of Egypt [50.9K]
- The Isin-Larsa and Old Babylonian
- The Second Intermediate Period of
- Chronology of the Egyptian New Kingdom
- Kings of Babylonia
- Kings of Assyria
- Kings of the Hittites
- Kings of Mitanni
- Kings of Urart.u
- Kings of Israel and Judah
- Arabia Felix, Yemen [264.6K]
- The Third Intermediate Period of Egypt
- Historical Background to Greek Philosophy,
Middle Eastern Political Events During the Course of Greek Philosophy
- Historical Background to Hellenistic Philosophy &
Hellenistic Monarchs [252.2K]
- Rome and Romania, 27 BC-1453 AD, Maps and List of
Emperors [518.9K]
- Index
- First Empire, "Rome," 27 BC-284 AD
- Second Empire, Early "Romania," 284 AD-610 AD
- Third Empire, Middle "Romania," Early "Byzantium," 610
AD-1059 AD
- Fourth Empire, Late "Romania/Byzantium," 1059 AD-1453
- The Bishops of Rome, the Popes, 42 AD-present [328.4K]
- Emperors of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) [13.5K]
- Rivals to Rome:
- Successors of Rome in Romania
- Islâmic Romania/Byzantium: The Ottoman Sultâns, 1290
AD-1924 AD, Maps and List of Emperors [160.0K]
- Modern Romania, Ottoman Successor States in the
- Modern Romania Index
- Romania, 1599-present
- Montenegro, 1697-1918
- Greece, 1821-present
- Serbia & Yugoslavia, 1817-present
- Bulgaria, 1879-present
- Albania, 1914-present
- Macedonia, 1991-present
- Kosovo, 2002-present
- Armenia, 1991-present [53.1K]
- Georgia, 1991-present
- Successors of Rome: Germania, Francia, Russia, & the Periphery of
- Germania, 395-774 [129.7K]
- Francia, 447-Present [339.1K]
- Index
- Introduction
- Merovingian Franks
- Carolingian Franks
- Francia after the Carolingians
- Francia Occidentalis, France
- Francia Media
- Francia Orientalis, Germany
- The Stem Duchies [137.8K]
- Dukes of Franconia
- Dukes, Electors, & Kings of Saxony
- Dukes of Pomerania
- Counts & Princes of Schwarzburg
- Lords, Counts, & Princes of Reuß
- Dukes of Brunswick, Electors & Kings of
- Archbishop-Electors of Mainz, Trier, &
Cologne [328.4K]
- Dukes & Landgraves of Thuringia
- Dukes of Swabia
- Dukes & Kings of Württemberg
- Margraves & Grand Dukes of Baden
- Princes of Liechtenstein
- Lords, Counts, & Princes of Lippe
- Counts & Princes of Waldeck
- Dukes, Electors, & Kings of Bavaria
- Archbishops of Salzburg [328.4K]
- Margraves & Dukes of Austria
- Margraves & Electors of Brandenburg &
Kings of Prussia
- Princes & Dukes of Anhalt
- Counts & Dukes of Berg, Jülich, Mark, &
- Counts & Dukes of Schleswig &
- Counts, Dukes, & Grand Dukes of
- Counts, Dukes, & Princes of Nassau
- Lords, Counts, & Prince of Layen/Leyen
- Princes, Dukes, & Grand Dukes of
- Landgraves, Electors, & Grand Dukes of
- Teutonic and Livonian Knights
- The German Confederation, 1815-1866 [50.3K]
- The Weimar Republic, 1919-1934
- No Emperors of German "Third Reich"
- East
Germany, 1949-1990 [4.9K]
- Federal Republic, 1949-present
- The Periphery of Francia, 445 AD-Present [313.0K]
- Introduction
- Index
- The Kings of Spain and Portugal
- The Kings of England, Scotland, &
- Scotia: Picts, Britons, & Scots [33.7K]
- Anglo-Saxon England [117.1K]
- Archbishops of Canterbury
- Kings and Princes of Wales
- God Save the Queen [40.2K]
- British Coins before the Florin, Compared to French
Coins of the Ancien Régime [57.1K]
- The Great English Vowel Shift [117.1K]
- The Bank of England
- Kings & Lords of the Isles
- Earls of Orkney
- The Danelaw
- Kings & Lords of Man
- Kings of Dublin
- The English Varangians
- The Cross of St. George
- Dukes of Marlborough & Earls of Spencer,
- Dukes of Buccleuch, Grafton, & St.
Albans, 1663-Present
- Dukes of Berwick & Fitzjames,
- Dukes of Devonshire, 1694-Present
- Prime Ministers of Britain, 1721-present
- British Emperors and Viceroys of India,
1876-1947 (1858-1950) [485.7K]
- Straits Settlements [69.0K]
- The Sun Never Set on the British Empire [138.2K]
- Prime Ministers of the Dominions
- The Kings of Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland
- The South of Italy, the Mezzogiorno
- The Kings of Denmark, Norway, and
- Outremer, 1099-1489 [167.7K]
- Russia, 862-present [118.5K]
- Rivals to Rome:
- Islâm,
622 AD-present [264.6K]
- "Islamophobia"
- The word "Allâh" in Arabic, with Cognates in
Hebrew & Babylonian [252.2K]
- The Prophet, 622-632 AD
- The Rightly Guided Caliphs, 632-661 AD
- The Shi'ite Imâms, 632-878 AD
- The Omayyad Caliphs, 661-750 AD
- The Abbasid Caliphs, 750-1258 AD
- The Aghlabids, 800-909 AD
- The T.âhirids, 821-873 AD
- The T.ûlûnids, 868-905 AD
- The Sâmânids, 819-1005 AD
- The S.affârid, 861-1003 AD
- The Ikhshîdids, 935-969 AD
- The H.amdânids of Aleppo, 944-1004
- The Buwayid Amirs of Iraq, 945-1055
- The Qarakhânids, c.992-1212 AD
- The Ghaznawids, 977-1186 AD
- The Ghûrids, 1011-1215 AD
- Islâmic Rulers of Spain, 756-1492 AD
- Islâmic Rulers of North Africa, 789-1163 AD
- The Seljuk Great Sult.âns, 1037-1157 AD
- The Il Khâns, 1256-1353 [49.0K]
- The Khâns of the Golden Horde
- The Ayyûbid Sult.âns, 1169-1252 AD
- Islâmic Rulers of North Africa, 1217-1659 AD
- The Marînid Amîrs of Morocco, 1195-1465
- The Wat.t.âsid Amîrs of Morocco, 1472-1554
- The Sa'did Sharîfs of Morocco, 1510-1659
- The Amirs, Caliphs, or Sult.âns of
Tunisia, 1229-1574
- The Zayyânid or Ziyânid Amîrs of Algeria,
- The 'Alawid Sharîfs, Sult.âns, & Kings of
Morocco, 1640-present
- The H.usaynid Beys of Tunisia, 1705-1957
- The Keita Kings of Mali, 1230-1390
- The Si & Askiya Kings of Songhay,
- The Mamlûk Sult.âns of Egypt, 1252-1517 AD
- The Ottoman Sultâns, 1290-1924 AD, Maps and List of
Emperors [160.0K]
- Shibânid Özbegs, 1438-1599
- Kazakhs, 1394-1748
- Toqay Temürids, 1599-1758
- Mangïts of Bukhara, 1747-1920
- The Shâhs of Irân, 1501-1979 AD [41.7K]
- Sult.âns of Delhi, 1206-1555 [485.7K]
- Moghul Emperors, 1526-1540, 1555-1858
- Sult.âns of Malacca, 1403-1528
- Sult.âns of Johor, 1528-present [69.0K]
- Sult.âns of Acheh, c.1450-1903
- Yemen, 1230 BC-1962 AD
- Modern Islâm
- The Shihâbî Amîrs of Lebanon, 1697-1842 AD
- The House of Muh.ammad 'Alî in Egypt, 1805-1953
- The Sanûsî Amîrs & Kings of Libya, 1837-1969
- The Sult.âns of Oman and Zanzibar, 1754-present
- The Hâshimites, 1827-present
- The 'Alawid Sharîfs, Sult.âns, & Kings of
Morocco, 1640-present
- The H.usaynid Beys of Tunisia, 1705-1957
- The House of Sa'ûd, 1735-present
- The Sultans of Brunei, 1405-present
- Afghanistan, 1747-1973 [47.6K]
- Prime Ministers & Presidents of Pakistan
- Islâmic Fascism and Satyagraha in Palestine
- Emperors of the Sangoku, the "Three Kingdoms,"
of India, China, & Japan [485.7K]
- Index
- Emperors of India
- The Nandas, c.450-c.321
- The Mauryas, c.322-184 BC
- Ceylon, Kings of Lanka & Kandy
- The Macedonian Kings of Bactria, 256-c.55 BC
- The Sakas/Parthians, 97 BC-125 AD
- The Kushans, c.20 BC-c.260 AD
- The Guptas, c.320-550 AD
- Vardhanas of Thanesar, c.500-647 AD
- The Deccan, Carnatic, & Maharashtra,
543-1317 AD
- Kâ of Kashmir, 711-810 AD
- Gurjara-Pratîhâras of Ujjain & Dantidurga,
725-1017 AD
- the Chola Kingdom, c.846-1279
- Sult.âns of Delhi, 1206-1555
- Moghul Emperors, 1526-1540, 1555-1858
- British Emperors and Viceroys, 1876-1947
- Emperors of China
- The Chinese Historical Era, 2637 BC
- Shang Dynasty, 1523-1028
- Chou Dynasty, 1027-256
- Ch'in Dynasty, 255-207 BC
- Nan Yüeh, 204-211 BC
- Former Han Dynasty, 206 BC-25 AD
- Later Han Dynasty, 25-220 AD
- The Three Kingdoms, 220-265
- Northern and Southern Empires, 265-589
- Sui Dynasty, 590-618
- T'ang Dynasty, 618-906
- The Five Dynasties, 907-960
- Tartar Dynasties
- Sung Dynasty, 960-1126
- Tartar Dynasties
- Southern Sung Dynasty, 1127-1279
- Yüan (Mongol) Dynasty, 1280-1368
- Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644
- Manchu Ch'ing Dynasty, 1644-1911
- Republic of China, First Republic,
- Communist China, Third Republic,
- Categories of Chinese Characters
- The Dialects of Chinese
- The Solar Terms and the Chinese Calendar [27.4K]
- Emperors, Shoguns, & Regents of Japan
- The Japanese Historical Era, 660 BC
- The Legendary Period, 660 BC-539 AD
- The Historical Period, 539-645
- The Yamato Period, 645-711
- The Nara Period, 711-793
- The Heian Period, 793-1186
- The Kamakura Period, 1186-1336
- The Nambokuchô Period, 1336-1392
- The Muromachi Period, 1392-1573
- The Azuchi-Momoyama Period, 1573-1603
- The Edo Period, 1603-1868
- The Modern Period, 1868-
- The Periphery of China -- Korea, Vietnam, Thailand,
Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Tibet, and Mongolia [145.5K]