Day 37: Started Collecting Pop Tabs
Every year in elementary school, we would have a portion of the year that we collected pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House (Noticed I said pop and not soda. This is because it is called pop.). I always looked forward to this because it meant that I had an excuse to drink insane amounts of pop. I could easily plow through a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper within a couple of days. To a young boy, the joy of ripping the tab off of the can and adding it to my ever growing pile was only matched by watching Michael Jordan play basketball and also by successfully coloring inside the lines. As I collected to tabs and eventually turned them into my teacher, I never really thought about or appreciated what I was doing. Today, I don't drink nearly as much pop as I used to. However, I do have a better understanding of the impact that the RMHC Pop Tab Collections have. An enormous amount of money (in some instances, tens of thousands of dollars per RMHC chapter) is raised for families to have a "home away from home" for little or no cost nearby their hospitalized children struggling with illness. So for today's random act of kindness, I am embarking on a side mission. From now until the end of March, I am collecting any and all pop (or beer) tabs. I hope my teeth don't fall out from all of the pop I am prepared to consume. If anyone wants to donate tabs, please let me know at