Tomorrow it begins...
So tomorrow the journey begins. My daughter is 3
months old. She is starting to become more and more aware of her surroundings
every single day. As of now, she doesn't have a worry in the world and I intend
to keep it that way. I also want her to appreciate what she has and strive to
give back to those around her. There are a ton of people out there who have
worries both big and small. I know I can't solve every problem for every person, but I am going to try to do my part.
Starting tomorrow, I am embarking on a journey to make people's lives better.
2012 consists of 366 days (unless the Mayans are right, then this is all for
naught). Each one of those 366 days, I will do a random act of kindness for a
stranger, friend or family member. I will document each act on here. Here is
where I need your help. I am a creative person, but one brain can only think of
so many acts. I have plans for about a month or so, but would rather not be
repetitive. Please send me a message, text or wall post on here with ideas both
big and small. Also, please pass this along to everyone you know. I will be
donating 10 (possibly more depending on response) cents to charity or a family
in need for every like of this page, new Twitter follower (@366RandomActs), and
new Facebook friend, this page gets in 2012.